Show 981 – Jukebox Utopia’s Snapshot by Bianca Ludewig (Orange 94.0)
This radia programme from the RADIA-Kollektiv-Vienna features the anthropologist Bianca Ludewig who researches music and sound and plays with records as Jukebox Utopia. She will introduce her radio piece Jukebox Utopia’s Snapshot that was part of the 2023 project Contingent Snapshot.
The following piece is a sound collage she produced as a contribution for the Contingent Snapshot project by Eugenia Seriakov and Francesco Zedde, which took place in Linz in September 2023 as part of STWST48hours open Radiolab and was broadcasted on various international radio stations. The core of the 12-hour programme consisted of contributions by the two curators exploring the facets and sounds of Linz, live improvisations by local and international musicians and sound contributions from their open call. For her audio snapshot, she associatively edited together found footage, sound pieces from her music archive and field recordings to create an audio essay for your enjoyment. You can find Bianca Ludewig’s work here: