“Ropotariti” means something in Maribor


In this week’s episode of Unpolluted On Air, produced by Radio MARŠ, Alja talks to Julija Beršnjak and Nataša Vrhnjak from Ropotarnica. Located on Partizanska Road in Maribor, Ropotarnica is a “reuse center”, where clothes, items and materials which would otherwise be thrown away are given a second chance – via second-hand means. Items gifted to the center primarily by Mariborians are then reused and sold at a reasonable price or further donated – say, to the National Theatre to use for their plays! Julija and Nataša also talk about various textile and gardening workshops they’ve held for the youth, and their most successful project, the EU-funded development center Recycling Lab, under which they reuse discarded textile to make eye-catching products under their own brand, “100%R”. They also touch upon the state of second-hand in Maribor in general.

The show is in Sloveniam language

Voices: Alja, Nataša, Julija

Editing: Zinedin



Unpolluted On Air

Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio Helsinki

Zur Station
Thema:Ecology / Environment / Nature
Sprache: Slovenian