Rollercoaster 239


Titelliste Rollercoaster 239

1. Arthur Smith: Tom Dooley
2. Rolling Stones: I got the blues
3. Quincy Jones: Summer in the city
4. Cat Mother and The All Night Newsboys: Marie
5. Renaissance: Can you understand
6. Temptations: Plastic man
7. B.B. King: I’ll take care of you
8. Spencer Davis: Balkan Blues
9. Tea and Symphony: The northihorticulturalist
10.Azteca: Empty prophet
11.Vangelis: Chung/The long march/The dragon



Zur Sendereihe Station

Freies Radio Salzkammergut

Zur Station
Thema:Music Radiomacher_in:Alfred Hausotter
Sprache: German

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