Rockbox 7 – Best of 2020 – Part 1
Rockbox 7 Best of 2020 Part 1 (A-B)
Die besten der besten Releases aus dem etwas anderen Jahr 2020 werden vorgestellt:
ACDC – Through the mist of time (PWR/UP) – 8/10
ANTHEM (JAP-Hardrock) ft. Graham Bonett – Gypsy Ways (Explosive !! Studio Jam) – 6/10
ALIEN (SWE-AOR) – In her Eyes (Into the future) – 8/10—bqHzQ4
BACKWATER (CH-Hardrock) – Shine for me (Rock´n Roll History) – 6/10
BONFIRE (GER-melodicMetal) – Rock´n roll Survivor´s (Fistful of Fire) – 7/10
BLACK SWAN (Supergroup-melodicMetal) – She´s on to us (Shake the World) – 7/10 (Shake the world)
BAD TOUCH (GB-classichardrock) – Kiss the sky (Kiss the sky) – 7/10 (Strut)
BON JOVI (US-rock) – Blood in the Water (2020) – 8/10
BLOODY HEELS (Lettland-sleaze/glamrock) – Ignity the Sky (Ignite the Sky) – 7/10
BROTHER FIRETRIBE (FIN-AOR) – Rock in the City (Feel the Burn) – 8/10
STAN BUSH (US-AOR) – 80s (Dare to dream) – 8/10
#acdc #anthem #grahambonnet #alien #backwater #bonfire #blackswan #badtouch #bonjovi #jbj #bloodyheels #brotherfiretribe #stanbush #rock #glamrock #hairrock #sleaze #aor #hardrock #melodicrock #supergroup #rb7r #radiob138 #2020 #rockbox7radio #onkelplo
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