Reciprocities: the earth – space continuum


Barbara Imhof in conversation with space architects Christina Ciardullo and Marc Cohen.

Christina Ciardullo is a liscenced Senior Architect, partner and founder of the space architecture firm SEArch+ and PhD Researcher at the Yale Center for Ecosystems in Architecture. She is working at the intersection of natural sciences and the built environment towards the sustainable development of Earth and Space.

Dr. Marc Cohen is a licensed architect and aerospace engineer who built the space architecture world as it exists today and has been working on lunar habitats, mobile pressurized vehicles, and other human operated spacecraft design. He is the founder of Astrotecture and part of the Space Cooperative.

Christina and Marc are both alumni of the Columbia School of Architecture.


Music by artist Lou Sheppard, Requiem for the Antarctic Coast


Space Specials

Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Architektur Radiomacher_in:Barbara Imhof
Sprache: Englisch

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