RAI 11.12.15: Diaspora Colors und Reisemagazin Tunesien


Sit back relax and listen in as I talk to Irene Hochauer Kpoda on Diaspora Colors. Diaspora Colors is a program that gives a platform to individuals from the Diaspora, to be seen and heard and have their work showcased, especially if they are making a difference in their community and creating meaningful impact. Irene isthe deputy Chairlady of Barka Barka,an organisation that is involved with the support and implementation of aid projects in the province of Ioba in Burkina Faso, West Africa .  (auf englisch) 33 min.


Danach hören Sie ein Reisemagazin über Tunesien auf Deutsch, diesmal mit Vittorio Bianchi. (ca. 15 min.)


Radio Afrika International

Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:MigrantInnen Radiomacher_in:Gabriela Mumeso
Sprache: Deutsch