Radio Netwatcher vom 19.5.2017 – Holger Krekel: Wie geht automatische Emailverschlüsselung?

20.05.2017 Wie geht Emailverschlüsselung?

Holger Krekel: Towards automatic end to end mail encryption

Towards automatic end to end mail encryption
mail encryption overview and hands-on Autocrypt sessions

Email has been declared dead but refuses to die. And there are good reasons to re-inforce efforts to improve it. Or do you want to have everything tied to trackable proprietary mobile phone numbers? The session starts with an overview of past and present mail encryption approaches, namely traditional PGP, the pEp project and the relatively new Web key service and Autocrypt specs and efforts. It dives into and demos Autocrypt and evolves into a hands-on session for getting it to work for participants.


Radio Netwatcher

Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Thema:Technology policy Radiomacher_in:Manfred Krejcik
Sprache: German

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