Queering machine learning
We are very excited to share audio excerpts from the panel discussion titled Queering AI*, featuring following artists and scholars: Jake Elwes, Janne Kummer, and Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss.
Margherita Pevere moderated this online talk.
Through their projects and researches, mentioned panelists examined how machine learning algorithms can be shaped by the data they ware trained on, and the implications this has on representation of queer bodies.
Jake Elwes is an artist based in London. They investigate the aesthetics and ethics inherent to AI. Elwes actively engages in reshaping datasets through a queer lens. This transformative process involves demystifying and subverting the predominantly cisgender and straight AI systems.
The Zizi Show received Honorary Mention by Ars Electronica Prix for Interactive Art + in 2022.
Sara Morais dos Santos Bruss is a cultural and media theorist, researcher and curator. Her efforts revolve around the convergence of feminist and anti-colonial art with political practices, while connecting the fields of digital technologies and narratives of (human and non-human) subjectivity.
Her publications include: Queere KI: Zum Coming-out smarter Maschinen, co-edited with Michael Klipphahn-Karge and Ann-Kathrin Koster, published in 2022 in transcript publishing house.
Janne Kummer works as a cross-disciplinary artist on the intersection of Performing Arts, Digital Media, Game Design and Critical Theory. Treir work examines the effects of Digitalisation on the assessment and perception of Bodies, referencing the thematic fields of Techno/Cyberfeminism, New Materialism and Other-than-Human-Agency.
On collaborative project The House of Monstress Intelligenzia.
Margherita Pevere is an artist and acholar working across biological arts and performance.
*Queering AI is part of a series of talks Taming AI, a project by the »intelligent.museum« by ZKM – Zentrum für Kunst und Medien in Karlsruhe in collaboration with Deutsches Museum Nürnberg.
Das Projekt wird gefördert durch das Programm Kultur Digital der Kulturstiftung des Bundes und durch die Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.
Music (c): Zola Jesus, Agar Agar and Arca
Foto/Screenshot: (c) ZKM | Panel Queering AI
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