Primož Čučnik (predstavitev / interview)
Rojen 01.06. 1971 v Ljubljani. Končal je študij filozofije in sociologije kulture na filozofski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Izdal pesniške zbirke: Dve zimi (1999), Ritem v rokah (2002) in Oda na manhatnski aveniji (skupaj s pesnikom Gregorjem Podlogarjem in slikarjem Žigo Karižem, 2003). Njegovi zadnji knjigi sta Akordi (2004) in Nova okna (2005). Ob izidu prvenca je prejel nagrado knjižnega sejma, leta 2002 pa Zlato ptico. Prevaja iz sodobne poljske in ameriške poezije, piše kritike in literarne eseje, kot tajnik in urednik dela na reviji Literatura. Leta 2003 je ustanovil žepno založbo Šerpa. Samozaposlen v kulturi živi v Ljubljani.
Beteiligte: (Verfasser/in oder Urheber/in)
Genre: Interview
Born in Ljubljana in 1971. He studied philosophy and cultural sociology at The University of Ljubljana. His first collection of poetry, Dve Zimi (Two Winters), was published in 1999 and received Best First Collection Award. His latest books are Ritem v rôkah (Rhythm in hands, 2002), Akordi (Chords, 2004), the collaborative book Ode on Manhattan avenue (2003), and Nova okna (New windows, 2005). A selection of his poems, Zapach herbaty (2002), was published in Polish by Studium, Krakow. He translates (mostly contemporary Polish and American poetry), writes literary criticism and book reviews, is an editor of the magazine Literatura, and runs a small press Sherpa. He lives in Ljubljana.
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