POP 15- Westbound Train- European Settlers in America


Imagine its 1872. Listen to classic Railroad Songs and the story of some European Settlers, while taking the first Transcontinental Train from the East Coast to California.



Slow Train© Bob Dylan Railroad Medley: Hey Porter, Wreck of the Old ’97, Casey Jones, Orange Blossom© Johnny Cash Midnight Special© Lead Belly Mystery Train© Elvis Presley Hymn to the Sea© Nicola Lerra Days of ‘49© Bob Dylan Blue Jeans© Lana del Rey Mystery Train© Little Junior Parker Lost Train Blues© The Virginia Mountain Boys Freight Train Blues© Brownie McGhee John Henry© Woody Guthrie & Cisco Houston Blue Moon© Elvis Presley Railroad Bill© Walt Robertson

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Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station
Thema:Gesellschaft Radiomacher_in:Iris Mitterdorfer
Sprache: Englisch