Poetry Cafe 96: Snow


Texts read & music played:

Jacques Offenbach: Ballet of the Snowflakes, from Le Voyage dans la Lune Walter de la Mare: Snow Claude Debussy: The Snow is Dancing, from Children’s Corner Katherine Mansfield: Winter Song Wallace Stevens: The Snow Man Erich Korngold: Serenade, from Der Schneemann Robert Frost: Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening Sergei Prokofiev: Troika, from Lieutenant Kije Robert Frost: Desert Places Ralph Vaughan Williams: Sinfonia Antarctica James Joyce: from The Dead, from Dubliners Georgy Svridov: Waltz, from The Snowstorm William Carlos Williams: Hunters in the Snow Emile Waldteufel: The Skaters Waltz Jonathan Swift: A Riddle Piotr Tchaikovsky: Journey through the Snow, from The Nutcracker Edna St. Vincent Millay: The Snow Storm Piotr Tchaikovsky: Dance of the Snowflakes, from The Nutcracker Amy Lowell: Falling Snow Claude Debussy: Des Pas sur la Neige (Footsteps in the Snow) Ella Wheeler Wilcox: A March Snow Antonio Vivaldi: Winter, from The Four Seasons



Poetry Cafe

Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station
Thema:Kultur Radiomacher_in:Andrew Milne-Skinner, Sandra Milne-Skinner
Sprache: Englisch

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