Texts read & music played:
Match of the Day (signature tune)
Albert Camus: Le Premier Homme
A.E. Housman: Is my Team Ploughing? (poem)
George Butterworth: Is my Team Ploughing? (music)
You’ll Never Walk Along (Kop Choir)
Peter Handke: The Goalie’s Anxiety at the Penalty Kick
Eric Cantona, from his Autobiography
Oh Sweet England (1966 England Team Song)
We are the Champions (Queen)
Stanley Matthews (interview)
Arthur Hopcraft: Football Crazy
You are Cantona, the King (Beach)
Benjamin Britten: Les Illuminations – Phrase
Tony Harrison: V (extract from poem)
Rod Stewart: Sailing
Ally’s Tartan Army (1978)
Flower of Scotland (The Corries)
The Celtic Song
BBC Sports Report (signature tune)
Puccini: Nessun Dorma, from Turandot