Texts read & Music played
Comedian Harmonists (Tea for Two, 1934)
Owen Hamilton: Tyrolean Summer (1934)
Binnie Hale: As Time Goes By (1932)
Extracts from The Times & The Manchester Guardian
from the Musical ‚Cabaret‘: Tomorrow Belongs to Me
F.S. Smythe: Over Tyrolese Hills (1936)
Nina Murdoch: Tyrolean June (1935)
Aimee Watt Smyth: Austria – The Land of Smiles – and Tears (1936)
Benjamin Britten: Variations on a Theme of Frank Bridge, Var. 10 Fugue and Finale (1937)
A.J.P. Taylor: Chamberlain and Munich
Greta Keller: So Little Time (1938)
F.L. Carsten: The First Austrian Republic 1918-1938: A Study based on British and Austrian Documents
Dr Kurt Schuschnigg: Farewell Austria (Cassell, 1938)
Jack Buchanan: Goodnight, Vienna (1932)
The Manchester Guardian: ‚The Naked Fist‘ (Editorial)
Neville Chamberlain: Speech in the House of Commons, March 14 1938
Valaida & Billy Mason’s Orchestra: Singin‘ in the Rain (1935)
Helmut Qualtinger: Herr Karl (extract)
Winston Churchill: Speech in the House of Commons, April 11 1938
Extracts from The Times & The Manchester Guardian
Neville Chamberlain: Speech on Sept 30 1938 ‚ ‚the piece of paper‘
Dylan Thomas: The Hand that Signed the Paper (1935)
C. Day Lewis: The Bells that Signed (1939)
W.H. Auden: Epitaph on a Tyrant (1939)
Winston Churchill: Speech in the House of Commons, June 4 1940 (‚We shall fight on the beaches…‘)
Flanagan and Allen: Who do you think you’re kidding, Mr Hitler? (1940)
Erich Fried: London bedeutet mir viel…
Ralph Vaughan Williams: Symphony No. 4, 1st. Movement (1935)