Poetry Cafe 189: ‚Bleak House‘ by Charles Dickens


Playlist: texts read and music played

1. Christina Rossetti/ Gustav Holst: In the Bleak Midwinter….
2. Charles Dickens: Bleak House (from Chapter 57)
3. William Blake: London
4. Alfred Lord Tennyson: Mariana
5. Leos Janacek: In the Mist – Presto
6. Charles Dickens: Bleak House (from Chapter 1)
7. Ralph Vaughan Williams: Symphony no. 2 (‘London’)
8. Charles Dickens: Bleak House (from Chapters 16, 64, 66, 55, 63, 8, Preface)
9. Gilbert & Sullivan: Trial by Jury (Hark the hour of 10; Is this the Court….?)
10. Neil Price: Dickens’s Favourite Blacking Factory
11. H.G. Wells: Tono-Bungay – Night and the Open Sea
12. T.S. Eliot: The Waste Land
13. Ralph Vaughan Williams: Symphony no. 2 (‘London’)


Poetry Cafe

Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station
Thema:Literature Radiomacher_in:Andrew and Sandra Milne-Skinner
Sprache: English