Poetry Cafe 176 : Thomas Hardy Poems (1)


Speziell zur Sendung am
Donnerstag, den 14. September 2023:

Thomas HARDY: Poems (1)

Playlist: texts read & music played
1. Thomas Hardy (TH): A Wet August
2. TH: The Harbour Bridge
3. TH: Weathers
4. John Ireland:  Weathers
5. TH: The Self-Unseeing
6. Gerald Finzi: The Self-Unseeing
7. TH: Domicilium
8. Louis James (British Council) on TH
9. Percy Grainger: Brigg Fair (part song)
10. Claire Tomalin: Thomas Hardy: The Time-Worn Man (2006)
11. TH: A Church Romance
12. Florence  Hardy (née Florence Emily Dugdale):  The Early Life of Thomas Hardy
13. Leos Janacek: String Quartet no. 2 (Intimate Letters), 1st  movement
14. TH: Afternoon Service at Mellstock
15. TH: Transformations
16. Gerald Finzi: Transformations
17. TH: In Church
18. TH: To Lizbie Browne
19. TH: Neutral Tones
20. TH: I Look into my Glass
21. Gerald Finzi: I Look into my Glass
22. TH: The Darkling Thrush
23. TH: The Market Girl
24. TH: from Tess of the d’Urbervilles, Ch. 19
25. George Butterworth: The Banks of Green Willow


Poetry Cafe

Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station
Thema:Literatur Radiomacher_in:Andrew and Sandra Milne-Skinner
Sprache: Englisch