Poetry Cafe 110: The Island of IONA


The Island of IONA

Playlist: texts read and music played

1. Dugald MacPhaill: The Isle of Mull
2. John Campbell: Iona of the Green Hills
3. Mendelssohn: Hebrides Overture (Fingal’s Cave)
4. William Wordsworth: Iona, Glory of the West
5. Kenneth Clark: Civilisation
6. Alexander Campbell Mackenzie: Benedictus
7. Adomnan: The Gift
8. John Hearne: The Seagull
9. (Traditional, sung in Gaelic): O Boatman
10. Walter Scott: Lord of the Isles
11. Columba: A Prophecy
12. Granville Bantock: Hebridean Symphony
13. Shakespeare: Macbeth (II, 4 & III, 5)
14. Cuimine: on Columba
15. James Boswell: Dr Johnson on Iona
16. William Keddie: Iona
17. Arnold Bax: Symphony no. 4
18. Meg Bateman: Peploe and Cadell on Iona
19. Kenneth Steven: Three Haikus on Iona
20. Robert Crawford: Icolmkill
21. Kenneth Steven: Iona – The Other Island
22. Kenneth Steven: Looking Forward (to Iona)
23. T.S. Eliot: from Little Gidding (Four Quartets)
24. Arnold Bax: Symphony no. 3


Poetry Cafe

Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station
Thema:Literature Radiomacher_in:Andrew Milne-Skinner, Sandra Milne-Skinner
Sprache: English