Peter Zilahy, Anna Kim, Thomas Stangl
Ines Schütz stellt in der Radiosendung drei Neuerscheinungen vor: „Die letzte Fenstergiraffe“ von Péter Zilahy, „Die Bilderspur“ von Anna Kim, „Der einzige Ort“ von Thomas Stangl. Mit Auszügen aus Lesungen, Präsentationen der AutorInnen durch deren Lektoren
Schütz Ines (Redakteur/in)
Kim Anna (Autor/in)
Stangl Thomas (Autor/in)
Zilahy Péter (Autor/in)
Genre: Magazin
This radio is was about the two young authors Anna Kim and Thomas Stangl (both from Vienna, both reading at one event on January 27th) and about Peter Zilahy, who was reading extracts of his new book “Die letzte Fenstergiraffe. Ein Revolutions-Alphabet” on February 2nd. Zilahy is from Hungary, so his reading was in two languages: Hungarian/German. The radio program contains extracts of the readings of all three authors, and also an introduction to Anna Kim and Thomas Stangl made by Rainer Götz, who is the editor in the publishing house that publishes their books. There is also an introduction to Peter Zilahy by Armin Eidherr, who is an Austrian writer, publisher und translator.
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