Nejc Gazvoda (predstavitev/interview)
Nejc Gazvoda se je rodil leta 1985 v Novem mestu, kratke zgodbe je napisal še kot gimnazijec. Urednikoval je osnovnošolskemu glasilu Najča in gimnazijskim Stezicam, sproti pa objavljal tudi v različnih literarnih revijah. Zaveda se, da bi bil svet brez literature in filmov grozno dolgočasen, zato jim posveča večino svoje pozornosti. Čeprav se ponavadi pretvarja, da ne mara ljudi, je ravno „človeško“ tisto, kar mu daje navdih. Trenutno najraje preživlja dneve z osebo, ki je obarvala oči njegovim literarnim junakinjam.
Iz spremne besede Barice Smole: Prvenec Nejca Gazvode je tekst o iščoči se, osamljeni generaciji osemnajstletnikov. Osemnajst let je star tudi Nejc, ki obiskuje 4. letnik gimnazije. Kljub mladosti avtorja pa je prvenec zrelo literarno delo, ki preseneča s svojo svežino. Atmosfera je na trenutke gogovska (tudi dogaja se v istem mestu kot Grumov Dogodek v mestu Gogi), ko si avtor prizadeva definirati grozo in žalost. Kot zapiše sam: inducira stvarnost. Junaki (in antijunaki) so šibki in močni, živi in mrtvi, v času nesmislov iščejo smisel. Večkrat se umaknejo onstran, tudi v svet med svetovoma živih in mrtvih, kar je prispodoba za svet med otroštvom in odraslostjo, izvrženost in nesprejetost hkrati. Njihova največja dilema je v tem, ali se vrniti v svet brez občutkov in čustev. Skozi lokalno atmosfero, ki je atmosfera slehernega slovenskega mesta, nam nudi vpogled v načine razmišljanja, v strahove in želje, fobije in fantazme naše najmlajše pišoče generacije.
Beteiligte: (Verfasser/in oder Urheber/in)
Genre: Interview
Nejc was born in 1985 in Novo mesto. He started writing short stories, when he was in seconday school. He was an editor of a primary school gazelle Najča and the secondary school Stezice, at the same time he was publishing in the defferent literary reviews. He knows that the world without literature and the movie would be very boring, that is why he devotes most of his attention to those two ways of creation. Although he pretends sometimes that he does not like people, he could not write without them, because they are his inspiration. At the moment he likes to spend days with a person, who coloured his litetary heros' eyes. From the accompanying text by Barica Smole: Squirrels by Nejc Gazvoda give us hope, that juvenile will not stay in the middle of the world of alives and deads, that they will not be creatures, which forget touches, kisses, warmth, coolness. Everything. The hero in Walk is still capable to see fairies. Squirrels come to him to chat and sit in his arms, because he has will, because he does, what he wants. She got up and went to the toilet. A waiter looked at her backside obviously.
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