Reading Circle 6: ‚Mothering Sunday‘, by Graham Swift


Once upon … one day in a life: March 30, 1924. Jane Goodchild, 22, an orphan, a maid in a country mansion, has no mother to visit on ‚Mothering Sunday‘. Her relationship with Paul, of upper-middle class, changes dramatically that day ….

We discuss her identity – Cinderella in an upside-down world? – time passing, and life’s transience. We read four key extracts, and explore the style and narrative structure of this extraordinary ’novella‘.

1920s music chosen: ‚So Little Time‘, ‚As Time goes by‘, and ‚If I had a Talking Picture of You‘.


Reading Circle

Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station
Thema:Literatur Radiomacher_in:Andrew Milne-Skinner, Sandra Milne-Skinner
Sprache: Englisch