Medicine: CPAP for OSA, although otherwise effective, doesn’t prevent heart attacks and strokes


OSA, “obstructive sleep apnoea,” is intermittent airflow blockage during sleep. Because the airflow is intermittently blocked, your brain wakes you up, for just half a second. You move around, and you can breathe again, and you go back to sleep again, but so on and so forth through the night, and the next day, you are tired. You have daytime sleepiness.
OSA is a chronic disease. It can last for years or even be lifelong.
Do you snore during the night? Do you have daytime sleepiness? Do you have bad mood or depressed mood? You might have the disease OSA (obstructive sleep apnoea).
CPAP, the funny mask which you put on every night, is the main treatment option for OSA, and we already know that it prevents daytime sleepiness, bad mood or depressed mood.
CPAP should be continued to be prescribed to patients with OSA.
However, CPAP doesn’t also prevent heart attacks and strokes in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea, according to the results of 2 new clinical studies from 2016.


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Thema:Medical science Radiomacher_in:Dara Koper, Harvard University, Massachusetts Medical Society
Sprache: English