Matjaž Brulc (predstavitev/interview)
Rodil se je leta 1976 v Novem mestu. V drugem letu novega tisočletja je končal študij umetnostne zgodovine. Prej, vmes in potem je pisal to in ono, tudi kot novinar. Nekaj malega je potoval. Od študija naprej neredno živi med prestolnico in rojstnim krajem. Rad ima naravo ter nekvadratne enačbe. Pa še marsikaj. Precej bere. Večino zgodb zasnuje med vožnjo z gorskim kolesom, kjer so zdrsi, padci in nesreče vedno na razpolago. Diznilend je njegov knjižni prvenec.
Iz spremne besede Stanke Hrastelj: Neporočena fanta s hribovske vasi, kjer stojijo le še štale in nedograjene bajte, kjer je treba na kilavo tovarniško plačo čakati po več mesecev, sanjata o tem, da bi oženila kako dekle s koledarja, resnično hrepenenje pa tiči v premlevanju realnih možnosti za zamenjavo lade nive za golfa, dvojko.
Matjaž Brulc was born in 1976 in Novo mesto. In the second year of the new millennium he completed his studies and gained a diploma in history of arts. Before, at the time of and after his studies he’s been writing this and that also as a journalist. He traveled a little. He can’t seem to settle down and ever since he started studying he’s been moving from the capital city to his home town and back. He likes the nature. And lots more. He reads a lot. Most of his stories are conceived while riding his mountain bike, when slips, falls and accidents always seem to be at hand. Diznilend is his literary debut.
From the accompanying text by Stanka Hrastelj: Two bachelors from a village in the hills where there is nothing but stalls and unfinished shacks and where people have to wait months and months for their miserable wages, dream of marrying a calendar girl while the real yearning hides in chewing over the chances of bartering Lada Niva for a Volkswagen Golf-second edition.
Beteiligte: (Verfasser/in oder Urheber/in)
Genre: Interview
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