Marko Samec (predstavitev/interview)
Rojen 8. 10. 1980 v Mariboru, v mestu ob Dravi, kjer je preživel otroštvo in osnovnošolska leta. Nadaljnje izobraževanje ga je vodilo v Ljubljano, kjer je po končani srednji šoli za oblikovanje in fotografijo postal grafični oblikovalec. V srednješolskem obdobju je odkril svojo ljubezen do umetniške besede, sprva se je ta odražala predvsem v branju ogromnih količin knjig, sočasno z branjem pa se je tudi sam začel poizkušati v pisanju poezije. Že po nekaj letih ustvarjanja mu je leta 2001 pri Mariborski literarni družbi uspelo izdati pesniški prvenec z naslovom Filistejec, izidu knjige so sledili številni literarni večeri, ki so potrdili njegov talent za literarno nastopanje, s svojim prvencem pa je požel simpatije pri številnih slovenskih literatih. Udeležil se je tudi več kulturnih festivalov, naj omenimo samo mariborski Štukfest in koroški Kufr, kjer je leta 2002 dobil prvo nagrado za literaturo. Nekaj pesmi je objavil v Apokalipsi in Mentorju. Trenutno živi v Mariboru, kjer se vse bolj uveljavlja kot pesnik in publicist, resno razmišlja o študiju teologije.
Iz spremne besede Mitje Čandra: Marko s svojo drugo pesniško knjigo potrjuje, da je njegovo pisanje svež glas v slovenski poeziji. Če ga že moramo umeščati in iskati vzporednice, potem velja ugotoviti, da je rojen pod tisto temno zvezdo, ki zaznamuje dekadente vse od Baudelaira, Rimbauda pa do danes. Njegova poezija je izbruh subjekta, ki nasladno odkriva svojo enkratnost in zapisanost časovnemu izbrisu. Čeprav je levitev v individualnost pogosto boleča, pesniku ne zmanjkuje ustvarjalnega zagona. Zaganja se k lepoti, ki stopa na piedestal religije. Vmes so žalitve, žalitve na račun množice, ki bezlja po svetu brez zavesti o svoji bivanjski zamejenosti kot čreda pred klavca. Markova poezija je resda poezija upora zoper toge družbene konvencije, a se vendarle ne utaplja v svetobolju. Vanjo je vgrajeno kafkovsko spoznanje, da so vrata postave stesana za vsakogar posebej in da bo vsakdo nekoč vstopil skozi svoj prehod. Markov lirski subjekt tako pogosto besni nad bebavostjo in neobčutljivostjo okolja, a se hip zatem posmehne in odide svojo pot. Proti predelom, ki vsaj obetajo. Proti ljubezni. Proti pesmi.
Marko Samec was born on 8. 10. 1980 in Maribor, where he also spent his childhood and attended primary school. He continued his education in Ljubljana, and successfully finished Secondary School for Design and Photography. It was in that period when he discovered the affection for art literature. At the beginning it manifested itself, above all, in reading of enormous quantities of books. That also coincided with his first attempts in poetry writing. After several years, his first collection of poems, called Philistine (Filistejec), was published at Maribor Literary Society (Mariborska literarna družba) in 2001. The publication was later followed by many literary evenings and presentations which only re-established his talent for literary performing, whereas his ‘Philistine’ was accepted with approval by numerous Slovenian literary artists. He as well participated in several culture festivals, such as ‘Štukfest’ and Carynthian ‘Kufr’ where he won the first prize for literature. Some of his poems were published in ‘Apokalipsa’ and ‘Mentor’. Presently, he lives in Maribor where he is gradually becoming known as a successful publicist and poet. In the future, he intends to study theology.
From the accompanying text by Mitja Čander: With his second collection of poems called ‘Splash’, Marko Samec confirms that his style of writing represents a fresh wave in the Slovenian poetry. If we insist in seeking for some classification and parallels, then we have to ascertain that he was marked by the same dark sign of decadence which is common to Baudelaire, Rimbaud and to several other contemporary poets. His poetry is an eruption of subject that lustfully discovers his own uniqueness and a seal of temporal erasure in his face. Even if sloughing into individuality is frequently painful, the poet does not run out of his creative force. He flings himself towards beauty which ascends onto the pedestal of religion. Between him and beauty there are insults, insults on the account of the multitude that bolts around the world without any awareness of its existential limits, like a herd going to the slaughterer. His poetry is indeed a poetry of resistance against rigid social conventions, yet it is not drowning in world-weariness. Consequently, in his poems we can find an included Kafkaesque maxim, regarding to which the doors of law are carved for each individual separately and specially, and everyone will eventually enter the door through his or her own passage. Hence, his lyrical subject is often furious about the imbecility and insensibility of social environment, however, immediately after this fury he walks away, full of scorn. Towards spheres that are at least promising. Towards love. Towards poem.
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Genre: Interview
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