Maja Gal Štromar (predstavitev/interview)
Rojena 26. avgusta 1969 v Novem mestu. Otroštvo in mladost je preživela v Kopru. Na ljubljanski Filozofski fakulteti je študirala romanistiko – francoščino in italijanščino. Iz Ljubljane je odšla v Pariz, kjer je na Mednarodni šoli za gledališče Jacquesa Lecoqa zaključila študij gledališke igre. Kot dramska igralka je bila nekaj let stalno angažirana v Slovenskem ljudskem gledališču v Celju in v Drami Slovenskega narodnega gledališča v Mariboru, gostovala pa je tudi v mnogih drugih gledališčih in izvedla številne avtorske projekte tako doma kot v tujini. Do sedaj je objavila tri literarna dela: Goga 66000, Na predpomlad mi reci ti in Že češnje čas. Maja Gal Štromar živi v Ljubljani in deluje kot svobodna umetnica, ukvarja se z gledališčem, pisanjem in prevajanjem.
Iz spremne besede Mitje Čandra: V kratkem romanu Amigdalino srce je v fragmentih predstavljena življenjska zgodba Gale Amande Brollo, njene družine in ljudi, ki preko ljubezenskih razmerij zapletajo in prepletajo njihova življenja. Avtorica skrbno izbere tiste življenjske dogodke, večinoma zelo intimno-ljubezenske, ki preusmerjajo tok življenja in na ljudeh puščajo globoke emocionalne sledi. V vodilni pripovedni liniji Gala razrešuje probleme svojega ljubezenskega življenja. V neuspešnem iskanju »moškega, ki je v njej«, naleti tudi na povsem čustveno otopele moške, na koncu pa se vrne k nekdanjemu fantu Marcu, ki prav tako neuspešno skuša nadomestiti svojo usodno žensko (Galo) s kopico žensk, ki mu med drugim omogočajo tudi bleščečo kariero, vendar z njimi ne najde ljubezenske sreče.
Maja Gal Štromar was born on August 26th 1969 in Novo mesto. She spent her youth in Koper. She studied French and Italian at The Philosophical Faculty in Ljubljana. From there she went to Paris and studied theatre act at Jaques Lecoq International School for Theatre. When she returned home she was an actress at Slovene People’s Theatre in Celje and at the drama department of Slovene National Theatre in Maribor. She had been a guest in many other theatres and carried out many projects in Slovenia and elsewhere. She has published 3 literary works so far: “Goga 66000”, “Na predpomlad mi reci ti” and “Že češnje čas”. Maja Gal Štromar lives in Ljubljana and works as a free-lance artist. She writes, translates and works in theatres.
From the accompanying text by Mitja Čander: The short novel Amigdala’s heart is a fragmented life story of Gala Amanda Brollo, of her family and the people, who enter their lives through love affairs. The authoress carefully chooses those life events, mostly of love and intimacy, which change the course of life and leave deep emotional traces. In the main stream of the novel Gala is dealing with the problems of her love life. In her unsuccessful search for a “man, who is inside of her” she meets just emotionally numb men. She returns to her ex boyfriend Marc, who is also trying to replace his femme fatale (Gala) with a bunch of women, who amongst other things enable him a great career, but he does not find happiness with them.
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Genre: Interview
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