190 – madhou5e – The unused word


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▲ ▲ The unused word ▲ ▲

Hi! I’m Anna aka The unused word, and I’m a singer, producer + instrumentalist from Vienna. I started playing piano when I was six and a half, picked up producing in 2005 at the age of 20, started working with Logic in 2008, and founded a choir in 2009. I used to study composition at the mdw with a focus on electroacoustics. Most of what I know about producing comes from hanging out with the producer Sonoro
Hope you like what you hear!

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▶ Twitter: https://goo.gl/jRkpf2

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▶ http://madhou5e.tv/

Adresse für Anfragen:
▶ madhou5e@madhou5e.tv



Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio FRO 105,0

Zur Station
Thema:Unterhaltung Radiomacher_in:madhou5e
Sprache: Deutsch