Lucija Stupica (predstavitev/interview)
Lucija Stupica (1971) je študirala arhitekturo. Ukvarja se z oblikovanjem notranjih prostorov, piše tudi članke o arhitekturi in oblikovanju za strokovne in poljudne revije. Lucija je tudi eden od pobudnic in vodij pesniškega festivala Pranger, kjer se srečujejo slovenski kritiki in pesniki. Izkušnje s polja arhitekutre in oblikovanja pesnica prenaša tudi v svojo peozijo. Njene pesmi so tako svojevrstne podobe, pesniško oblikovani notranji prostori, skozi katere potujejo bralci njenih pesmi. S svojim pesniškim prvencem Čelo na soncu je dokazala, da gre za eno najobetavnejših sodobnih slovenskih poetes. Tako je ob knjigi zapisala kritičarka, da govori o vsem, o samoti, ljubezni, o nostalgiji in življenjskem optimizmu, njena bistvena, danes že redka odlika pa je, da govori s pravo mero. Veliko tega nedvomno velja tudi za avtoričino drugo knjigo, zbirko pesmi z naslovom Vetrolov. Ta poezija očara s svojo oddaljeno in pretanjeno muzikalnostjo. / Lucija Stupica (1971) studied architecture. She works as an interior designer and also writes articles on architecture and designing for technical and popular magazines. Moreover, Lucija is one of the initiators and leaders of the Pranger poet festival, where Slovenian critics and poets gather. Her experience in architecture and designing also inform her poetry. Her poems are thus unique images, poetically designed interiors travelled by the her readers. With her debut collection of poems Čelo na soncu she confirmed her status as one of the most promising contemporary Slovenian poetesses. As a critic wrote, she speaks of everything; loneliness, love, nostalgia, and vital optimism, while her principal and nowadays rare distinctive quality is a well-measured voice. Much of this can undoubtedly be said about the author’s second book as well, a collection of poems titled Vetrolov. Its poetry is enchanting for its detachment and delicate musicality.
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Genre: Interview
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