lAUd vom 10.Mai live zu Gast Dirty Wink

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Don´t miss the south californian pop punk! It´s still around! DirtyWink is playing that kind music like bands we listened to when we fell in love, smiled, cried, broke up, … But still they are going their own way and combine this so liked style of music with their own attitude. The result is what we know as DirtyWink!

Since DirtyWink was founded in 2007 they played around 100 shows. Their start as a 3-piece was hard but it kind of formed their character and after a change of the base-player in 2009 and the decision to integrate a second guitar player in 2010, DirtyWink found their final cast and therefore their current sound!



Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio FRO 105,0

Zur Station
Thema:Music Radiomacher_in:Bernhard Kern
Sprache: German

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