Katarina Milisavljević, artist, activist, member of Blokada.Beč


STUDENTS‘ PROTESTS in Serbia, ooooo ja/yes/da!!! The world rests on the young, let’s listen to what they say. Join actions, protests in your communities, be a voice because we are obviously living in media darkness.

Listen to a great guest, who is one of the initiators of the protests in Vienna.

Listen carefully: Katarina Milisavljević, artist, activist, member of Blokada.Beč


How people are organized in Vienna? Let’s find out!

Beč, 1. mart, 11:52, šesti protest ispred Ambasade Republike Srbije u Beču, 15 minuta tišine za 15 izgubljenih života. Korupcija ubija. Podrška studentima i dacima!


Wien, 1. März, 11:52, Sechster Protest vor der Botschaft der Republik Serbien in Wien, 15 Minuten Schweigen für 15 verlorene Leben. Korruption tötet. Unterstützung für Studierende in Serbien!


Vienna, March 1st, 11:52, Sixth protest in front of the Embassy, of the Republic of Serbia in Vienna, 15 minutes of silence for 15 lives lost. Corruption kills. Support for students in Serbia!


Katarina Milisavljević was born in 1997 in Belgrade, Serbia. From an early age, she felt a deep connection to art, finding her primary forms of expression in music and writing. She began playing the violin at the age of eight and later graduated from the „Mokranjac“ Music Gymnasium. Pursuing her passion further, she moved to Vienna to study violin at the music conservatory. In 2020, she earned her degree with distinction from the Richard Wagner Conservatory. She then continued her studies at the Music and Arts University of the City of Vienna – MUK, where she also graduated with distinction in 2024, earning a Master’s degree in the interdisciplinary Master of Arts Education program. In addition to her artistic work, she is also engaged in research, having presented her paper The Effects of Background Music in Different Settings at Interdisciplinary Encounters during the international conference Psychology and Music in Belgrade. The paper was later published in the Proceedings Book of the International Conference Psychology and Music – Interdisciplinary Encounters Belgrade 2022.

Currently, Katarina works as a freelance artist and educator. Alongside her artistic and research endeavors, she is dedicated to activism, striving to contribute to a collective awakening and a society founded on love, unity, justice, and truth.






Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Sprache: English