Japanther ## JAPANTHER (brooklyn, ny,usa)


How can anyone easily describe this band… these two guys have been making some serious buzz in the recent years, everyone seems to like em but somehow they still managed to stay underground – cause they like it this way! This is NYC-DIY-Art Punk, think of RAMONES meets DEAD MILKMEN meets RONETTES meets NO AGE meets BEASTIE BOYS meets PSYCHEDELIC HORSESHIT. While they often refer to themselves as „more of an art project than a band“ JAPANTHER gets points for making some of the most memorable, hummable and fun music of any art project in recent memory. In the five plus years JAPANTHER had : Rock operas, water ballet, more than 16 sizable tours, 4 seven inches, 5 CDs and and 3 LPs. They’ve performed on street corners, in art galleries, people’s bedrooms, bathrooms, showy ballrooms, under freeways, on boats, etc. JAPANTHER goal Nr.1: To effect people using positive dance rituals. TUT TUT SHAKE YER BUTT! http://pmk.or.at/events/japanther-brooklyn-nyusa



Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station
Thema:Live music
Sprache: German