Janja Rakuš (predstavitev/interview)
Pisateljica mlajše generacije. Študirala je gledališko režijo v Ljubljani in Beogradu. Ukvarja se predvsem s gledališko in performativno umetnostjo.
Iz spremne besede Janeza Strehovca: Električna zadrga je njen romaneskni prvenec. Glavna protagonista romana Set in Vaska sta ljubezenski par v obdobju poznega odraščanja, ki v polnosti uživa življenje na rave zabavah, kjer se ritmi elektronske glasbe prepletajo z uživanjem omamnih substanc. Ko se ta svet konča, se začne drug svet, svet sivega (malo)mestnega vsakdana, svet eksistencialnih problemov, čisto individualnih pa tudi širše socialnih, ki jih alegorično ponazarjajo citati, vzeti iz Dawkinsove knjige Sebični gen, pa tudi citati iz sveta popularne kulture, iz reklam in besedil pesmi popularnih glasbenih skupin. Ob citatih pa v romanu najdemo tudi obilico »filozofskih« ekskurzov, ki se na zelo kritičen in distanciran način ukvarjajo z današnjim kapitalističnim sistemom in izoblikovanjem samosvojih življenjskih stilov v njem.
An artist of the younger generation. She studied stage direction in Ljubljana and Beograd. She mostly works with theatre and performance art.
From the accompanying text by Janez Strehovec: Electrical zip is the first novel of Janja Rakuš. Main characters Set and Vaska are a couple in their late growing up years. They fully enjoy going to rave parties, where the sounds of electronic music are combined with use of drugs. When this world ends, they are left with the real world, the world of grey everyday life. It is a world of existential problems, the individual and social ones. They are allegorically illustrated with quotations from Dawkins′ book Selfish gene and also quotations from the world of popular culture, commercials and lyrics of popular band songs. Besides quotations the book contains many philosophical excursuses, which deal with today′s capitalistic system and the forming of individual lifestyles in it.
lana@radiomars.si (Verfasser/in oder Urheber/in)
Genre: Interview
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