International Music Cafe – 20110227 – show 08 – health


It’s time for one of our special programmes again. Today we will focus on songs about health (problems): e.g. Joaquín Sabina is stopped by a sudden coughing fit at the most decisive moments of his life. Gema Y Pável would like to stop smoking. Ricardo Arjona seeks help with a psychoanalyst because the image of the “perfect woman” is always interfering with the real women in his life. And Juan Luis Guerra struggles with the shortcomings of a hospital in a developing country. …and many more.

Try to pay attention to the lyrics. It’s really worth while. For those who do not understand enough Spanish (or German), we will explain part of the lyrics. So this programme is also a great opportunity for you to practice your language skills.


International Music Cafe

Zur Sendereihe Station

Freies Radio B138

Zur Station
Thema:Gesundheit Radiomacher_in:Ariel Rodriguez, Eva Felbauer
Sprache: Deutsch

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