Inequality, Migration and Climate Justice: Voice from the Global South


The 8th Development Conference took place in Linz from November 11 to 13, 2022. As Austria’s largest event on development policy, it offers space for debate and reflection on current challenges. In doing so, it promotes exchange at eye level between academia, practitioners and critical civil society. Speakers from India, Brazil, Uganda, Botswana, Germany and Ukraine discussed the causes and consequences of global inequalities, which was the main topic of this year’s conference.

This report offers a glimpse into the Inequality, Migration and Climate Justice Forum. Participants discussed how climate change is perceived unequally around the world, depending on where we live and which social group we belong to, our gender, ethnicity, skin color, age, class, and so on. Crop failures or water shortages as consequences of global warming are responsible for difficult living conditions in many places and can be one of the (co-)causes of migration.

In this forum, two international guests Paula Banerjee from Calcutta University in India and Pato Kelesitse from the South African Climate Action Network in Botswana spoke about migration in the context of climate change. Small groups then worked on common action points. The result of one group is this podcast.

Sprache: Englisch


Climate Change ICJ Theme Song von Vanessa Quai, Stan Antas und Sheila Wills
El Paraíso von Nación Ekeko & Julieta Venegas All the Good Girls go to hell von Billie Eilish
Só Voce Me Faz Sentir von Bia Ferreira


Sendungsgestaltung: Mirabell Eckert und Verena Bauer

Fotocredit: Verena Baue


Globale Dialoge – Women on Air

Zur Sendereihe Station

Orange 94.0

Zur Station
Sprache: English