Hustle till burn it: TikTok, Labour and Phonk


For the first of May transmedia artist S()fia Braga, in conversation with cultural program coordinator Davide Bevilacqua and Pia Putz (Radio Fro), breaks down different forms of labour within TikTok, today’s most popular social media platform, which allows users to create, share, and discover short-form videos.

From hidden forms of free labour enabled by social media’s power dynamics, to platform monetisation, from new trends such as UGC creators to the romanticisation of the hustling culture, we will unveil the problematics related to this exploitative forms of work, the whole accompanied by a slaying TikTok music playlist.

“Hustle till burn it” is part of AMRO Research Lab 2023 organised by with the transmedia artist S()fia Braga.


AMRO Podcast // Art Meets Radical Openness

Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio FRO 105,0

Zur Station
Thema:Medienkunst Radiomacher_in:Davide Bevilacqua, Pia Putz, S()fia Braga
Sprache: Englisch