„Hosted by Therapy?“ on TURBO-RADIO™ 19.11.2009


„Hosted by Therapy?“ on TURBO-RADIO™ 19.11.2009

Andrew James Cairns, Neil Cooper, Michael McKeegan interviewed
by Mikki Sixx (Photo ©2009 by SickSista)
One hour with Andrew James Cairns, Neil Cooper and Michael („the second Andy“) McKeegan!
Therapy? choose their favourite tunes and talk about influences, sentiment, cliffhangers and – of course – their new album „Crooked Timber“!
A TURBO-RADIO which you definately can’t miss out if your music heart bleeps on the right place!!!


I, Mikki Sixx, missed out three full length albums of Therapy? because after „Shameless“ they got outta sight for me.
Like an very old friend which you meet up with years after you both had it big time (seventeen years is a lot of time, ain’t it?) they popped out at the beginning of 2009 when I checked their site

just because I wanted to know what happened to ‚em.

Then I realized, that they are still alive and kicking and were recording a new album – „Crooked Timber“.

Because they did „Denim Demon“ for the „Alpha Motherfuckers“-Turbonegro-tribute-album and for my old love of the band itself I decided to do this „Hosted by Therapy?“ when they played Salzburg this November.

P.S: Buy „Crooked Timber“! It fuckin‘ rocks!!!


Neil Cooper, Michael McKeegan and Mikki Sixx (Photo ©2009 by

Photo ©2009 by SickSista)



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Thema:Kultur Radiomacher_in:Mikki Sixx
Sprache: Englisch