Hide and Seek – Interview with Joanna Coates and Daniel Metz


Hide and Seek – A modern fairy tale, that follows four young people who flee from London and set up in a polyamorous commune in the country, choosing total isolation as a form of emotional, intellectual, and political hiding place. Strange rules and rituals help to loosen their inhibitions as, fighting cynicism and ghosts from the past, they move towards a deeply unconventional joy. HIDE AND SEEK puts forward the controversial idea of retreat as protest; the characters hope to find a new spiritual and sexual truth rather than accepting other generation’s morals. Using a stately, meditative tone to temper or increase the provocation, the film uncovers a new way to express feelings of loneliness, kinship, fear and joy but also with a lot of happiness.

Michael Diesenreither did an interview with Joanna Coates, the director of the film and Daniel Metz, who is the producer of the film and one of the four main actors. Both wrote the script together.

This is the long recension of the interview, a short version aired on Saturday, 25th April 5:00 PM at Radio FRO 105.0 Mhz. Here is the link to the full radio show (in German): XE15 Queer European Cinema


Screening at CROSSING EUROPE Filmfestival Linz: Sunday, 26.04.2015 11:30 Movie 1


Kino für die Ohren 2015

Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio FRO 105,0

Zur Station
Thema:Film Radiomacher_in:Michael Diesenreither
Sprache: Englisch