Ghosts in other birds


Alfredo Félix-Díaz is a Mexican writer living in Europe since 2013. He works as a screenwriter. Alfredo Félix-Díaz has published three books of poems and a verse play in Spanish.

His novel in English „Parted Gods“ will be published by Unsolicited Press in March of 2026. In this episode of Fem Poem he is reading from an unpublished collection of poems in English called Humming and Other Birds as well as one poem in Spanish. Romina Achatz and Alfredo Félix-Díaz are in conversation about poetry, birds, the wild nature, city-animals and the intensification of life through words.

„…access your haptic grooves

kiss your kissing pores


or maybe, bicolored crows,

you’ll be back

as ghosts in other birds 

for each call has an echo 

and life itself- by which one means love-

is an earworm


by inscrutable light.“

Alfredo Félix-Díaz




Fem Poem

Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio FRO 105,0

Zur Station
Thema:Literatur Radiomacher_in:Romina Achatz
Sprache: Englisch