FREIZEIT! Radioshow 26: Captain Beefheart Special


„music to dematerialise the catatonia“ –

this is how Don Van Vliet, better known as Captain Beefheart, once explained his thing to an uncomprehending radio interviewer.

And this is just what it is.

Captain Beefheart, who was connected in a life-long love-hate relationship to Frank Zappa, was born  o5 January 1941 and died of multiple sclerosis on 17 December 2010 at the age of 69.

The great eccentric’s influence is all around us.  As Tom Waits once said: „‘Once you’ve heard him, it’s hard to wash him out of your clothes.“

And, in this spirit this Freizeit! radioshow is all about Captain Beefheart!

Erich Zawinul: moderation

Daniel Schatz: sampling & music selection

Bert Preiss: music selection & text

Andreas Pils: mastering & direction

Freizeit! the show for drifting and contemplating.



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Sprache: Deutsch