Film Fatal – Episode 2 – Suzie Leger – Deutsch


The second episode of Film Fatal! Suzie Leger is an accomplished Austrian director, actress, musician, and founding member of the Regisseur*innen Verein. In this episode, we discuss her approach to creativity, her experiences in the film industry, and how we can move forward in the industry. This episode is in German.

You can find out more about Suzie on her website:

And follow her on Social Media: @suzie.leger

Die Regisseur*innen:

What would film be without the femme fatale? And what would film be without women behind the camera? Women in film means more than Hitchock’s blondes or leading ladies. The film industry is full of talented women who work as camera women, makeup artists, editors, directors, writers, and so much more! Unfortunately, the amazing work that these women do is often underrepresented in the media. Film Fatal seeks to change that.

Film Fatal is a monthly show hosted by Katherine Dahlquist-Bauer, cinephile and writer. Each episode, we talk to one of the femme fatales who makes the magic of the movies happen! We share some behind the scenes secrets, chat about our favorite movies, and support women in the film industry.

Film Fatal is a multilingual show primarily in English and German. While we do interview directors and actresses, the aim of the show is to highlight women whose jobs are unseen and stories untold. Film Fatal is dedicated to highlighting the diversity of the film industry. While we love chatting about the big blockbusters, we want to show that film is so much more than Hollywood. In each episode, we’ll discuss our favorite female-directed films from all over the world, focusing on arthouse productions or films that you might never have heard of!

Film is an ever-evolving medium and industry, and Film Fatal seeks to positively change the way we think about cinema. We want to discuss avant garde and experimental films, and we want to acknowledge the problems that women continue to face in the industry. We want to find solutions to these problems by opening a dialogue about how film can be a more inclusive space for people of all backgrounds.

Film Fatal airs on the fourth Tuesday of every month from 5 to 6 PM. Grab some popcorn and tune in!


Film Fatal

Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station
Sprache: Deutsch