03 David Livingstone Smith speaks about dehumanization, human nature, race and ideology


David Livingstone Smith is professor of philosophy at the University of New England. His research focuses on dehumanization, human nature, race, ideology, and moral psychology. He participates widely in both academic and non-academic settings, and was awarded in 2012 with the Anisfield-Wolf award for non-fiction. He was also a speaker at the 2012 G20 Economic Summit at Los Cabos, Mexico, where he spoke on dehumanization and mass violence.

Moderation: Leire Urricelqui Ramos


Stimmen Politischer Philosophie / Voices in Political Philosophy

Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio Helsinki

Zur Station
Thema:Gesellschaft Radiomacher_in:Leire Urriquelci
Sprache: Englisch