Elektras, Heartattacks, Makeouts ## CHOKE FEST – two days of scorching crappy garage punk!
DAY ONE THE HEARTATTACKS (Sweden) # If you run loco on TEENGENERATE, DEVIL DOGS, NEW BOM TURKS… this is the modern version of it! Distorted and fast tracks that wipe you off your feet, great vocals with the perfect amount of melody and snottyness… # THE MAKEOUTS (Sweden) # The Makeouts are a true garage punk rocket from Sweden, their sound can be compared to the top of theis genre, the Rip Offs and Supercharger. Basal rocanrol rhythms, raw as fresh meat recordings and amazing hooklines. Their first release ever, with 3 originals and one song written by Mark Sultan (also known as BBQ, former member of the Spaceshits and Les Sexareenos) has been released on the Bachelor Records OF COURSE!!!! # THE ELEKTRAS (Germany) # The Elektras are a sexy trash-punk three-piece from Munich, consisting of two young women and a black mummed drummer! This combo extraordinaire has existed since autumn 2oo1, and their lo-fi sound is a mixture of dirty garage trash and 60’s riffs. Their thunderstorm sound will hit you hard in the face! So watch out for Elektras live action! http://pmk.or.at/events/choke-fest-two-days-scorching-crappy-garage-punk
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