Browsing around the clove: Episode X “Saccharin”
With the feat already completed, in this last episode called saccharin, we talk about the geopolitics of the trip, and how the world was changed (for better or for worse), until our days:
How the world was governed from that moment on by a Eurocentric vision. How the diversity of the world’s epistemology was excluded, hidden or eliminated. How the first circumnavigation was used and continues to be a political weapon. How atrocities committed against First Nations were denounced at the time by friars like Bartolomé de las Casas, and in our times by thinkers like Ramón Grosfoguel or Edward Said. How indigenous movements and their ideologies, are becoming a bulwark against a systematic process of the destruction of our planet. How the journey changed forever, as Stefan Zweig states in the introduction of his book “Magellan”:Erinnere dich, du Ungeduldiger, erinnere dich, du Ungenügsamer, wie dies vordem war! Vergleiche doch einen Augenblick diese Fahrt mit jenen von einst, vor allem mit den ersten Fahrten jener Verwegenen, welche diese riesigen Meere, welche die Welt erst für uns entdeckten, und schäme dich vor ihnen!
Browsing around the clove a show produced by David Córdoba Bou
Browsing around the clove – 500th anniversary of the first circumnavigation of the Earth
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