book.stage / gecko-art, Maribor (1)


Performans »book.stage« delavnice so z dijaki Prve in Druge Gimnazije Maribor ter z njihovima profesorjema Mojco Redjko in Borisom Svetelom, na tekste slovenskih ALME pisateljev, med 2. in 4. marcem 2006, na Glavnem trgu v Mariboru delali pripadniki umetniške skupine gecko-art z Dunaja, Evelyn Blumenau in Walter Kreuz / The »book.stage« performance workshops, inspired by Slovene ALME writers and their works were held out at March 2006 and prepared by gecko-art performers Evelyn Blumenau and Walter Kreuz from Vienna, in collaboration with professors of Prva and Druga Gymnasium from Maribor, Mojca Redjko and Boris Svetel and together with their schoolboys and schoolgirls in The Main Square in Maribor.

Beteiligte: (Verfasser/in oder Urheber/in)

Genre: Feature


Marš:Performansi / Performances

Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station
Sprache: English