

Wir bilden nicht den Body, sondern das Gehirn!

 the playlist:

DJ Ridi Mama’s Brightness:

1. Carl Barat and the Jackals (let it reign) – glory days 2. Jan Delay (hammer&michel) – st. pauli 3. Alice Wolf (creature smile) – moaning lisa smile 4. Olympique (crystal palace) – the reason i came

MC Randy Andy’s Darkness:

1. Marilyn Manson (antichrist superstar) – antichrist superstar 2. Sunn O))) (monoliths & dimensions) – big church 3. Bohren & der Club of Gore (black earth) – grave wisdom 4. Diamanda Galas (the litanies of satan) – the litanies of satan (edit)

„Just forget all about enlightenment. Enjoy simple things with total intensity. Just a cup of tea can be a deep meditation. If you can enjoy it, the aroma of it, slowly sipping it, th taste of it…… Who cares about god?“ („Rajneesh“ Chandra Mohan Jain a.k.a. Osho)
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Zur Abstimmung HIER entlang! (Die Wahlkabinen sind bis Monatsende geöffnet, wo gibts denn sowas…….)



Zur Sendereihe Station


Zur Station
Sprache: German