AudiobunkA #68
Last but not least before this unreal situation avoid us from representing real Hip Hop Culture we proudly happy to annouce our first live STUDIOGUEST’s of the year! ‚BIGSIZE‘ & ‚MUHI‘ with their producer ‚BURBARY‘ bringing some new styles round di block united in Vorarlberg! Another phoneCall about a ‚Lifestyle Exzessiv‘ Mixtape Drop Update with ‚AKZSZ‘ and an exclusive reviewRecall with the ‚BEATBANGERS‘ and their new album ‚Freigeist & Schuft‘
Follow The ONEandONLY monthly HIPHOP Live-Radioshow in Vorarlberg / Austria / DORNBIRN City
on „Proton das freie Radio“ – every 4th Thursday tuneIN 8 -11 pm (CET) – hosted by DJ socke23 & MC pille One