AudioBunkA #63 feat. Jay Walker & KingSize
Yo celebrating five years live on Air with the 63. Show in a full packed BunkA we had much fun interviewing „Jay Walker“ & „KingSize“ and their exclusive song premiere! As well with big news to annouce, AudioBunkA proudly presents the new Hip Hop Award for Vorarlberg and a special funky freestyle Session!
Follow The ONEandONLY monthly HIPHOP Live-Radioshow in Vorarlberg / Austria / DORNBIRN City
on „Proton das freie Radio“ – every 4th Thursday tuneIN 8 -11 pm (CET) – hosted by DJ socke23 & MC pille One
AudioBunkA SoundSystem #63 – 29.10.2020
Feel Free to ‚Like & Share‘ the #freeHipHopMovement in your Social-Media World!
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IG @audiobunka
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