AudioBunkA #62 feat. Drogu
We no want drugs, we wanted some ‚DROGU‘ in the house, but police showed up and he gave his best to roll on from the Montafon straight forward into da BunkA for some serious 62. edition! More of that crazy stuff and a funny phone Call with the ‚Bodensee-General‘ a.k.a. ‚Raey Sean‘ himself, spiced up as usual with the newest, hottest and most discussed Releases outta VBG. You are in hood, baby!
Follow The ONEandONLY monthly HIPHOP Live-Radioshow in Vorarlberg / Austria / DORNBIRN City
on „Proton das freie Radio“ – every 4th Thursday tuneIN 8 -11 pm (CET) – hosted by DJ socke23 & MC pille One
AudioBunkA SoundSystem #62 – 01.10.2020
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