Audio walks, knitting, morning disco – Annenviertel in lockdown


This edition of Frequently Asked Questions is presented by Gea in English language.

Gea talked to Maria Reiner, managing director of the Annenviertel district project association in Graz about the roots and origins of it and their most remarkable projects over the years. During Lockdown Annenviertel got very creative in transforming their events and establishing strong neighbourhood networks to help one another during isolation time. Maria talks about their initiatives, collaborations and activities they provide now, such as audio walks, online knitting, pilates, „help your neighbour“ etc. and how they connect them to public space and help keeping people expressive and connected.

Credits: Maria Reiner


Frequently Asked Questions

Zur Sendereihe Station

Radio Helsinki

Zur Station
Thema:Culture Radiomacher_in:Gea Gračner
Sprache: English

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