Aleš Čar (predstavitev/interview)
Aleš Čar (1971) je študiral primerjalno književnost. Dela kot urednik kulture časopisa Dnevnik, nekaj časa je vodil tudi kulturniški talk-show Peti element na nacionalni TV ter urejal revijo Balcanis, v kateri objavljajo avtorji iz držav, ki so nastale na ozemlju bivše Jugoslavije. V mladosti je veljal za nadarjenega nogometnega igralca. Njegov prvenec Igra angelov in netopirjev je postavljen v rojstno mesto Idrijo, ki slovi po rudnikih živega srebra. Čar je s tem romanom napovedal prihod nove generacije slovenskih prozaistov. Čarjeva proza je zasidrana v sodobnem, urbanem in profanem svetu vsakdanjosti, kjer umira romantika. V okvari je zbirka kratkih zgodb v katerih je avtor opisal junake srednjih let, poročene, ločene, osamljene, odvisne od alkohola, vse te junake spoznamo skozi kratko epizodo, v kateri pa se v nekaj potezah izriše njihovo celo življenje. V okvari niso na delo okvare strojev, temveč so v okvari predvsem čustva, ljubezen. / Aleš Čar (1971) studied comparative literature. He works as the cultural editor of the Dnevnik newspaper and he used to be in charge of Peti element, an arts talk-show on national TV, and edited the Balcanis magazine, which publishes authors from countries in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. In his youth he was known as a talented football player. His first novel Igra angelov in netopirjev is set in his hometown of Idrija famous for its mercury mines. With this novel Čar anticipated a new generation of Slovenian prose writers. Čar’s prose is embedded in a modern, urban, and profane world of the everyday where romanticism is dying out. V okvari is a collection of short stories about protagonists who are middle-aged, married, divorced, lonely, or alcoholics, all of them introduced to the reader through short episodes which portray their whole lives in a few strokes. In V okvari, it is not machines that are out of order, but emotions, love.
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Genre: Interview
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