Let’s talk about Science: A Career in Science
What does a scientist actually do? How do you become a scientist, and what sort of job might you get if you study science? Natural and social scientists answer these questions and explain the joys and frustrations of a career in science.
The decision of what career path to follow is as difficult as it is important for young adults. There are thousands of possibilities, each with their own advantages and limitations. Not having a realistic idea of what particular jobs actually entail makes the task of deciding even more problematic. This program examines careers in science. We hear the opinions of high-school students on the subject, and then from several scientists themselves. They explain what they do, what they enjoy about their job, and the frustrating aspects of a career in science. Information is given regarding the process of becoming a scientist, and the various roles that a scientists can play in both the public and private sector. The program includes contributions from both natural and social scientists.
Dr. Erich Hamberger – Institute for Communication Science, University of Salzburg
Dr. Daniel Bischur – Academy of Science Project, University of Salzburg
Prof. Clemens Sedmak – Center for Social Ethics, King’s College London
Dr. Peter Hammerl – Department of Molecular Biology, University of Salzburg
Dr. Geja Oostingh – Department of Molecular Biology, University of Salzburg
Students from Hallein High School
Arrangement: Jake Krausmann, Anna Martin-Scrase, Radiofabrik
Concept: Radiofabrik, Universität Salzburg, Fachbereich Kommunikationswissenschaft (Prof.in Dr.in Ingrid Paus-Hasebrink, Mag.a Christina Ortner)
Language: English
Notice: This program was produced with financial support of the European Union (6. Frameprogram, Science and Society). The European Union is not responsible for the content of the program.
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