E-Learning in Africa
Titi Akinsanmi of the NGO SchoolNet Africa talks about ICT-Projects for young people in various african countries.
In September 2000, the member states of the UN adopted a Millennium Declaration. Among the commitments they made, they recognized the Millennium Development Goals as part of the road map for implementing the Millennium Declaration.
Goal 8 (the last goal) – global partnership for development, calls for to make available the benefits of new technologies to all.
In our todayÂ’s radio program we want to introduce you the global teenager project and throw light on the discussion if the access to internet is useful and ensured in particular to teenagers in the developing countries?
More information about SchoolNet Africa: http://www.schoolnetafrica.net
Sendungsgestaltung: Majadah Gassan-Hadaja und Eva Kalny
NoSo – Entwicklungspolitische Berichterstattung
Zur Sendereihe StationOrange 94.0
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