28. Heimatfilmfestival Freistadt: Interview with directors Rosie Stapel and Katelijne Schrama


Two dutch directors talk about their films at the Heimatfilmfestival Freistadt 2015:

Portreer van een Tuin / Portrait of a garden by Rosie Stapel:

In a historical vegetable garden on a Dutch estate, the old pruning master and the gardener tend to the espaliers. As they prune, they chat about anything and everything.

More information: www.portraitofagarden.com


Georgica by Katelijne Schrama:

Over two thousand years ago, Vergilius
wrote an ode to farming. Is there some-thing to be found for a farmer in Flevoland that has not lost its relevancy?

More information: www.katelijneschrama.nl


Georgica is this years festival winner in the category ‚Best documentary‘.


Open Space – im Freien Radio Freistadt

Zur Sendereihe Station

Freies Radio Freistadt

Zur Station
Thema:Film Radiomacher_in:Angelika Regina Meidhof
Sprache: Englisch

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